Church of Saint Bartholomäus

General description
The church reaches back to the year 1437, but it might be fundamentally older. According to the legend the Church of Saint Bartholomäus is the oldest place of worship on Lajener area. The entrance, the stout tower with the shingle pyramid and the sound windows show obviously Romanesque features. The inside shows fresco remains in different places, in the past, the church was probably colored completely. The altar is kept in the late baroque style and represents Holy Mary with saints. There are the statues of holy Josef and holy Johannes between the columns. The sculptures at the left long house wall (Katharina and Barbara, Bartholomäus and a Bishop) are valuable, too. In addition, are worth mentioning the old baptismal font and the bell from 1580 (next to the altar). Between the church and the Mesnerhaus is a walnut tree, which is a splendid natural monument.
Description to arrive at destination
The church of Saint Bartholomäus is located in the village of Tanirz, which is between Laion/Lajen and S. Pietro/ St. Peter.
Closed, you can get the key at the Mesnerhaus (house number 2): yearlong
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